Abstract Submission

The abstract submission period ended on 31st of March.

The Organising Committee would like to express its sincere thanks for the attention and for the big participation to the abstract submission.

For any further information, please contact


The text of all papers will be refereed by members of the International Advisory Board and they reserve the right to reject those works that do not meet the quality criteria. The inclusion of a paper in the final programme will also be dependent upon:

  • The submission of the manuscript by the official deadlines
  • The receipt of the transfer of copyright agreement
  • The presenting author completing their delegate registration and payment by deadline, August, the 31st

The manuscript for all accepted papers should be no more than 6 pages. and must be submitted sending to Please download the Manuscript Template.

For the presentation of the manuscript in the auditorium, authors can download the word Presentation Template. If you need a template in other formats, please write to

Authors presenting a poster will also find a Poster Template , which is available for downloading – Poster size is 70×90 portrait orientation. If you send us a pdf file of your poster by no later than Friday 13 October, we can print it for you here in Torino.

Note to Authors: All costs relating to Congress participation, including registration (special rate for authors), travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses, will be covered by the author.

Author Deadlines

01/02/2023: Abstract Submission Opens

31/03/2023: Abstract Deadline

31/08/2023: Manuscript Deadline

31/08/2023: Author Registration and Transfer of Copyright Agreement Deadline